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Parasite Prevention

Parasite prevention is key to your pet’s overall health. Cats and dogs are susceptible to several harmful parasitic infections, some of which are zoonotic – which can also harm the health of your family. So it’s important to discuss with our doctors your pets options for parasite prevention

Fleas thrive in warm, humid environments like ours and reproduce rapidly once established. Flea saliva elicits a strong allergic response that can lead to hot spots and skin infections which can be both time-consuming and costly to destroy. Prevention is vital and your veterinarian may recommend using oral or topical preventatives as part of your pet’s routine.

Ticks are most common in wooded or grassy areas. They can transmit various diseases such as Lyme Disease, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever to pets and people. There are effective medications that are easily given to your pets to prevent ticks.

While a nuisance to humans, they can also transmit heartworm disease to your pets, which can be deadly and is complex, and expensive to treat. We recommend your pet take a monthly heartworm preventive.

Intestinal Parasites
Intestinal parasites are usually acquired when a pet inadvertently ingests eggs or spores from contaminated soil, water, feces, or food. These parasites can make your pet very ill with symptoms such as malnutrition, weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, and anemia and may even cause significant health concerns for your family.

Routine screening and preventative medications are essential and cost-effective ways to ensure your pet stays as healthy as possible, regardless of age or lifestyle.