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Dental Care

Poor oral hygiene and dental diseases are quite common for pets. It is important to pay special attention to adopting good dental care practices to prevent chronic dental diseases, loss of a tooth, and various other such diseases.

Poor dental care can affect the other organs of your pet as well, such as the heart and kidneys. Our experienced vets put special emphasis on your pet's dental health as part of the wellness exam and when you take your pets to us for a thorough dental care examination.

How to identify dental disease in pets?
Some pet parents tend to ignore the bad breath of their pets because they assume that it is common. Nevertheless, excessive bad breath and swollen gums should never be ignored, as these are typically the first few signs of an emerging dental disease in your pet.

There are many other signs of dental diseases, such as:

  • Red and swollen gums.
  • Teeth discoloration.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Less chewing.
  • Pain while eating or chewing.

If you notice any of these signs, you should definitely bring your pet to us so our expert vets can perform a thorough checkup and recommend suitable treatment.

Treatment of Dental Disease
Treatment of dental disease in pets involves performing oral examination under general anesthesia and taking an X-ray. Proper anesthesia and medicines are provided for pain management, especially when a tooth is extracted. Tartar and plaque are removed from healthy teeth, and they are polished to optimize dental health.

Prevention of Dental Disease
There are some important steps you can take to prevent dental diseases in your pet in the first place:

  • Feed a high-quality diet to your pet.
  • Brush your pet’s teeth regularly.
  • Regular wellness exams to catch dental diseases in their early stages.

Contact us today so that the experts at Whipple Ave Pet Hospital can take care of your pet’s dental health.